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A warm welcome to Warwick Preparatory School

The success of our school is firmly built around the pursuit of excellence in all we do. Our pupils follow a broad, varied and challenging curriculum taught by a multi-talented and exceptionally committed staff. We are very proud of and keen to uphold our tremendous academic reputation both locally and far beyond, enabling children to fulfil their potential and be the best they can be.

While they are with us, we also want them to enjoy the most rounded learning experience possible. To that end, we offer great strength and depth in both team and individual sports; we provide rich and diverse musical opportunities; we organise a broad and engaging programme of visits and extra-curricular activities designed to widen their interests and skills. We recognise the unique talents and skills of each individual child and aim to foster a lifelong love of learning enabling them to run, play, imagine and thrive.

  • Warwick Preparatory School

    Banbury Road
    CV34 6PL

    01926 491545


Open Morning

We would be delighted to welcome you to our Open Morning on Saturday 21 September, 9.30am-12.15pm. Tour our superb facilities, meet Headmistress Mrs Hellen Dodsworth, and see what makes Warwick Prep so special.