Latest Music News

During the Easter holidays, Anna, Jessica and Abigail, all in Year 6, attended vocal/orchestral courses. We hope you enjoy reading their insightful reports on the incredible time they had.
National Youth Girls Choir Report
I am a member of the National Youth Girls Choir, a choir for girls aged between 9 and 15. There is a choir for boys and two choirs for older singers. Over the Easter weekend, I attended the Girls Choir course at Tonbridge School in Kent. We sleep in dormitories and start every day with a fun dancercise class, followed by rehearsals in our voice parts and together as a choir. On 11 April, all the choirs sang at the Royal Albert Hall in London to celebrate the Choirs’ 40th birthday, which was amazing. Being a member of the choir is great as I can sing all day with other people who love to sing, and I make new friends from all over the country.
Anna, Year 6
National Children’s Orchestra Report
I’m really enjoying being part of the National Children’s Orchestra for my second year. I love being able to play as a big group with musicians which are all at a similar level and also meeting other harpists. We go into different sectionals to connect with the other people who play the same instrument as us. The music is really varied and exciting. Our tutors are inspiring and fun; they help us on anything that we are finding difficult. At the latest NCO weekend, we had an amazing conductor called Natalia Luis-Bassa, she was very enthusiastic, and her baton was called Nick the Stick. We have a different guest conductor and guest artist each weekend. So far, I have played with Jess Gillam (who opened our Music School and plays the saxophone), Simmy Singh (who plays the violin) and Jordan Bak (who plays the viola).
Jessica, Year 6
National Schools Symphony Orchestra Report
During the Easter holidays, I spent a wonderful week at Malvern College playing flute and piccolo with the National Schools Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Dave McCallum. The end of course concert was held in the Malvern Theatre and the Sinfonia played a programme which began with the percussion section showing off their skills, followed by the whole orchestra performing Walton’s Crown Imperial March, the overture to the opera Hansel and Gretel and a selection of music by one of my favourite composers - the great John Williams and the concert suite from his 1993 epic film, Jurassic Park. I thoroughly enjoyed the week, playing new music and meeting new people and hope to be invited back next year!
Abigail, Year 6