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Wellbeing Hub Launch

In support of Children’s Mental Health Week, the Warwick Independent Schools Foundation launched a new service, dedicated to young people’s mental health and wellbeing.  Our schools -  Warwick School, Warwick Junior School, and King’s High and Warwick Prep - have drawn on their own resources, based on years of experience and specialist guidance, to provide access for anyone with an interest in mental health and wellbeing, as well as the wider school community.  Our new Wellbeing Hub is now available HERE. 

Please do take a look around. We have a wealth of information, from news of pupil initiatives, to wellbeing blogs, practical tips, and advice on digital learning, together with links to external resources.  

Pupils take a pro-active lead in promoting wellbeing in our schools. Rose, a pupil at King’s High, was recently joined by Prince William in a video she presented for the Diana Award Charity in National Anti Bullying Week, and King’s is one of the Diana Award’s UK National Showcase Schools.   


Warwick School has been promoting service in the community as a way of helping others while also boosting self-esteem and mental wellbeing. Year 11s have collected a mountain of sports items for The Children’s Society, donated by boys from all year groups. Boys in Year 13 have been 
signing up as volunteers to help with the roll out of the COVID vaccine. Senior Prefect, Archie is helping at a surgery near Banbury. He says: ‘I have found it great to help out. To see the smiles on the faces of people getting their vaccines is wonderful’.


Richard Nicholson, Principal Foundation, says: ‘Our pupils’ and our community’s wellbeing is at the heart of all we do.  By pooling our shared experience and expertise, we are able to offer something that may be of wider use in these challenging times. Our young people’s health and wellbeing is all our future.’