Musical Matters

We are so pleased to be hearing the sounds of live music around the Music School once again, and all agree that you can’t beat live music making.
‘Thumbs up if you can hear me’ became the familiar phrase for the girls and boys over the first half of this term. It was exciting to still be able to make music, albeit remotely, and a joy to see the smiling faces on screen even if we couldn’t hear them playing and singing together. This also proved a great opportunity for families to make music together, and it was lovely to see siblings, parents and grandparents joining in the lessons with the children.
The programme of remote Music Activities meant that that older girls could continue to join together for their ensembles and share music together. We were able to offer 13 activities including Rockin’ Basses, Fabulous Violins, Groovy Guitars and Tootie Flooties. The early morning choir rehearsals meant that we certainly were wide awake, alert and enthusiastic for the day ahead.
During their music lessons Nursery children have been playing percussion instruments along with traditional story songs, including The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Going on a Bear Hunt, and The King is in the Castle. They thoroughly enjoyed their live link up with Mr Hancock who demonstrated the organ in the Music School, or as the children discovered ‘The Orchestra in a box’. Mr Hancock’s video also inspired Years 1-3 when they made their junk instruments. Some fantastic bright and colourful instruments were created; the “Tootie Jingler” and “Twang Banger” were particularly original!
We have continued to record our informal concerts and we are very grateful to parents who have helped with the recording process. The younger children in particular, have thoroughly enjoyed watching their peers performing and it has inspired many.