Anti-Bullying Week
Today marked the start of Anti-Bullying Week with the theme, 'One Kind Word'.
To celebrate that we're all unique and should be kind to each other, the children kicked off the week by taking part in Odd Socks Day. We had stripes, spots, stars and even superheroes!
There were Anti-Bullying activities throughout the week, where the children learnt that by being kind, we improve bonds between us, reduce stress, improve our own mental health and emotional wellbeing as well as the recipient's, and generate positive experiences for all those involved.
In PSHEE lessons, the children practised their kind words and actions in role play and explored how to be an upstander, rather than a bystander if we see something unkind happening.
The children enjoyed decorating a pair of odd socks with kind words and actions, used to create powerful displays around school. Everyone was encouraged to take part in a 7-Day Kindness Challenge where they completed a kind act each day, such as offering to help someone at school.